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Caritat Gómez
Caritat Gómez painting, always balanced in composition and color, leads to peace. Usually describe places coming in landscapes and interiors common situations, which makes it easier than in their subjects to surface civilized feelings of solidarity and respect for others. Believe in the stable, but not imposed, but describes it nice to make it palatable for a society that in several aspects need to recover the standard customs and leave excitement aside.
The paintings of Caritat Gomez are never noisy, but it is strong in concepts and stated in the technical qualities to express the desire for peace harmony and order the move. Is her personal and pleasant way to be an artist.

Josep Maria Cadena

It is an intimate painting which gives image Caritat Gomez's work. Topics of their surroundings –in the human and in the physical- are abundant in a work that draws and paints color, description and feeling that knows how to combine -overcoming difficulties is proposed in order to perspective- within an expressive language makes brushing freely and accurately.
The figure is one of the most consistent players: live captured, still living in the various tables, always bathed in light and won by clean and descriptive coloration makes available to the rest of the open space it inhabits.
It is, therefore, a sensitive work and fresh, free drawn and finds beauty in the truth and it is proclamed.

Francesc Galí

Caritat Gómez prepares a private poetic landscape, from a particular view of the nature in which each living being -plants, trees and animals-is revealed as essential, both from the point of view as compositional iconography. And in this work, the love of painting and the natural environment indissoluble run, showing a harmonious vision of the universe that is also a reflection of a world intimate, warm and gentle, all this yarn with extreme strength and vital enthusiasm that characterize his work.

Elina Norandi

Her painting is constantly singing to their environment, their communities, demonstrating that for good painting should not go for grandiose themes. At minimum Caritat Gómez is pictorial motif, demonstrated in each of his works.

Rafael Kyoga-Berliner

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